MediLink beats Sotio to the punch
YL217 will enter phase 1 before Sotio's similarly acting rival, licensed from Biocytogen.
YL217 will enter phase 1 before Sotio's similarly acting rival, licensed from Biocytogen.
The company believes that its DLL3-targeting ADC could be fast-tracked despite the presence of Imdelltra.
And, in developing ZL-6201, it wants to succeed where AbbVie disappointed.
Yet more data validate B7-H3, and put MediLink in the deal-making frame.
ZL-1310 looks better than other DLL3-targeting agents, but two thirds of responses are so far unconfirmed.
The group’s B7-H3 ADC looks competitive versus rival projects from Merck/Daiichi and GSK/Hansoh.
Early attention falls on ADCs originated by ProfoundBio, SystImmune, MediLink and Seagen.