The Revolution is here, and it’s... confusing
The group reaffirms pancreatic cancer promise with RMC-6236, but has it found the best dose?
Verastem spoils its ASCO bounce
An initial winner of the ASCO abstract reveal, Verastem drops a bombshell.
FibroGen hopes to buck its pamrevlumab trend
Two pancreatic cancer trials will read out this quarter, but after a string of failures with the project they look like a long shot.
AACR 2024 – Medicenna looks for a cytokine renaissance
After numerous IL-2 failures there are glimmers of hope for the group’s contender, MDNA11.
AACR 2024 – BioNTech sees pancreatic promise amid neoantigen delays
When autogene cevumeran works it seems to keep working, but bigger tests for the project have been pushed back.
Gilead doubles down on Arcus
Will a TIGIT refocus see the stars finally align for the partners?
ESMO 2023 – Revolution sets the bar in pan-KRAS inhibition
But efficacy in NSCLC has slipped since the abstract, and a high rate of rash raises eyebrows.