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A panel of two halves for multiple myeloma Car-Ts

Carvykti sailed through Friday’s adcom, but Abecma got a much rougher ride.

Boundless and others head for phase 1

First-in-human study initiations include Boundless Bio’s second asset, and an ADC from Tubulis.

FDA critics barely lay a glove on Geron

Imetelstat appears headed for approval after its US adcom turns into a damp squib.

Early tests approach for Vincerx’s conjugate revolution

The company reckons its tech could solve problems with current ADCs, but the market isn’t giving it much credit yet.

Seven problems for Geron

Brutal FDA briefing documents raise questions about the approvability of imetelstat for myelodysplastic syndromes.

Multiple myeloma Car-Ts face a US grilling

The FDA highlights high death rates and questions overall survival for Carvykti and Abecma.

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