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Roche expands in KRAS

GDC-7035 enters the clinic, as does another bispecific against PD-L1 and VEGF.

BeiGene tries where others failed

The company’s CEACAM5 and PRMT5 projects feature among the latest first-in-human entrants.

The month ahead: October’s upcoming events

Approval decisions loom for Opdivo and Lumakras, and earnings season starts again.

AbbVie has Met phase 3, again

The next-generation telisotuzumab adizutecan joins teliso-V in late-stage development.

Gritstone has a mountain to climb with Granite

The group is persevering with Granite, but funds might be hard to come by.

Regor’s selective approach attracts Roche

For $850m up front Roche gets to challenge Pfizer.

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