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Amgen packs up in Claudin6

Meanwhile, Torl BioTherapeutics appears to be catching up with BioNTech.

Amgen’s Bite T-cell engager technology hasn't lived up to its hype, and this week it emerged that the company had discontinued another of these projects, targeting Claudin6.

BioNTech has long been the leader in Claudin6, but it hasn’t yet begun a pivotal phase 2 trial with its Car-T contender, BNT211, promised for this year. And now the private player Torl Therapeutics is nipping at its heels, recently saying it would start a pivotal study of its ADC in the second half of 2024.

Others in the pipeline remain further behind, but there have been a couple of new entrants since ApexOnco last carried out this analysis, namely Xencor’s T-cell engager XmAb541, and NBL-028, a bispecific project from NovaRock and China’s CSPC Pharmaceutical. The latter is designed to hit Claudin6 and activate the 4-1BB co-stimulatory pathway, an approach being taken by others including Roche. The Swiss group has a trispecific project, SAIL66, that targets Claudin6, CD3 and 4-1BB.

Meanwhile Amgen’s AMG 794 now looks destined for the scrapheap; its phase 1 entry notes that development has been discontinued following a “business decision”. This, like other Bites, is a T-cell engager that uses a small construct that retains only some antibody features and is much smaller than a full MAb.

By contrast, another clinical-stage T-cell engager, Xencor’s XmAb541, maintains full-length antibody properties, according to the company. However, that group’s bispecifics haven’t always impressed.

BioNTech is taking a different approach with BNT142, an mRNA project designed to spur a patient’s body to make its own T-cell engagers. A phase 1/2 trial began in 2022, but no clinical results have emerged.

BioNTech vs Torl

Data are available on BNT211, the group’s Claudin6-targeting Car-T, which at last year’s ESMO meeting produced a promising-looking 45% ORR among 38 patients with various solid tumours, mainly germ cell and ovarian cancers; however, high doses were deemed to be toxic.

The company has been looking for the ideal phase 2 dose, which might explain why it’s taken so long to start the planned pivotal trial in testicular germ cell tumours. This is still slated for this year, according to BioNTech’s 2024 ASCO presentation.

In the meantime, BioNTech might get overtaken by Torl BioTherapeutics, which has said it plans to start a pivotal phase 2 study in the second half with its ADC contender, TORL-1-23, in ovarian cancer.

Torl’s project produced a 28% ORR across all doses tested among 25 patients with ovarian, testicular and endometrial cancers, in an update presented at last year’s ASCO.

It would be unwise to give much weight to a cross-trial comparison, given the different cancers involved and the fact that both studies were dose finding. Perhaps phase 2 data will give more clues on whether a Car-T or ADC approach will be preferable.

One thing is clear, however: Amgen is out of the Claudin6 race.


The Claudin6-targeting pipeline

TORL-1-23Torl BiotherapeuticsADCPh1 in solid tumours (NCT05103683)Data at ASCO 2023; ph2 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer to start H2 2024
BNT211BioNTechCar-TPh1 in solid tumours (NCT04503278)Data at ESMO 2023; ph2 in testicular germ cell tumours to start 2024
BNT142BioNTechmRNA-encoded T-cell engager MAbPh1/2 in solid tumours (NCT05262530)Completes Oct 2025
DS-9606Daiichi SankyoADCPh1 in solid tumours (NCT05394675)Completes Feb 2026
NBL-028NovaRock Biotherapeutics/ CSPC PharmaceuticalAnti-Claudin6 x 4-1BB bispecific MAbChina ph1 in solid tumours (NCT06223256)Completes Jan 2027
XmAb541XencorT-cell engager MAbPh1 in solid tumours (NCT06276491)Completes Dec 2027
SAIL66Roche/ChugaiAnti-Claudin6 x 4-1BB T-cell engager trispecific MAbPh1 in solid tumours (NCT05735366)Completes Dec 2028
CTIM-76Context TherapeuticsT-cell engager MAbPreclinicalIND cleared May 2024; ph1 to start mid-2024
BGB-B455BeiGeneT-cell engager MAbPreclinicalExpected to enter clinic in 2024
UnnamedADC TherapeuticsADCPreclinicalIND-enabling studies expected to complete 2024
AT65474Axcynsis TherapeuticsADCPreclinicalPreclinical data at AACR 2024
TJ-C64BI-Mab BiopharmaAnti-Claudin6 x 4-1BB bispecific MAbPreclinicalPreclinical data at AACR 2022
GB7008-03Shanghai GenechemAnti-Claudin6 x Claudin9 bispecific MAbPreclinicalPreclinical data at AACR 2021
UnnamedInnovative Cellular TherapeuticsCar-TPreclinical

Source: OncologyPipeline.